By Gordon Hayburn While it may often feel as though the global pandemic took the food industry completely unprepared, it shouldn’t have. Many of the manufacturing sites that supply the major retail chains are certified to one of the Global Food Safety Initiative (GFSI), which require companies to prepare for some of what has gone […]
Categories: Sanitation/Hygiene
Tags: Food manufacturing and covid-19 , how covid-19 affects food manufacturing.

By Donald R. Brewer III Throughout the past few months of the COVID-19 pandemic, food manufacturers have been pulling double duty to ensure a safe food supply chain, while also prioritizing the health and safety of their food manufacturing teams. For some, this has meant significant changes to their operations to increase distancing between employees […]
Categories: Sanitation/Hygiene
Tags: food safety standards , GMP audits
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By Brita Ball The coronavirus pandemic has created the possibility for an unexpected lesson for food industry leaders. According to Lone Jespersen, principal consultant at Cultivate Food Safety, firms can use this as an opportunity to advance their food safety culture faster than at any other time. “There has never been such a clear understanding […]
Categories: Food Safety Culture
Tags: Covid 19 and Food safety culture , food safety culture
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花猫VIP破解版下载 花猫VIP免密破解版下载_骑士助手:2021-6-26 · 花猫VIP破解版是一款视频直播盒子,在这里你可伍随时观看小哥哥与小姐姐的直播,点击软件进入你喜欢的房间开启直播之旅吧,并且还有不同内容的小视频可伍供玩家选择观看,更重要的是多种VIP至尊视频,在这里通通可伍免费观看,还在等什么体验试试吧!
花猫破解版Food Contamination
Tags: Disease transmission by flies in food production , food production , 花猫破解
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By Paula Parejo It may seem as though certification is just another tedious loophole to jump through, and yet this couldn’t be further from the truth. Benefitting the entire supply chain and mitigating risks along the way, certification is more valuable than meets the eye. One certification protects several parties: preventing the site from creating […]
Categories: Food Safety Certification
Tags: Food Safety , Food safety certification
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小花猫视频破解版下载_小花猫视频安卓最新版下载_飞飞手游:2021-2-15 · 小花猫视频破解版是一款宅男伊非常喜欢的社交软件,足不出户就能解决自己的社交问题。同时大家还能看见各种优质精美的短视频,让你从更多的方面了解心伈的ta。用户也能够自己制作视频,添加各种趣事,添加特效,还有超多的背景音乐和海量剪辑工具供你选择呢。
Categories: Food Safety Standards
花猫破解版digital technology standards , food industry
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By Alexandra Emanuelli There’s an app for just about everything these days, and teaching food safety technicians is no different. Taking advantage of the immediacy and convenience of our devices, tech developers at training giant Alchemy have created a new app that can provide on-the-job training. Unique in its field, Alchemy Playbook, provides on-the-job training […]
花猫破解版Advancements in Technology
Tags: alchemy playbook , alchemy training app , Food Safety Training
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By Jacki Ross The use of specialized food safety technology is just beginning to take root in the food industry. Many food operators think it’s a great idea and can see the value but believe this type of tech is a luxury beyond their budget. But can operators afford not to invest in food safety […]
Categories: Advancements in Technology
Tags: Food Safety , Food safety program , food safety technology , 小花猫视频 含羞草视频苹果下载-第一运势网:2021-2-29 · ios一对一直播平台,丝瓜污版app,lolo直播平台观看小说,战舰联盟什航母好,黄瓜视频推荐码谁有图,爱威波永久海外地址,豆豆视频app豆豆视频安卓观看,小姐姐app最新官网,狐狸视频影院最新版,香蕉视频黄板在线观看,老司机污污软件破解版,o2y7. xyz直播,番茄社区共享账号,皮特影院 … , 花猫破解
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By Lois Harris While there are no industry-wide food safety standards for vertical farming, there are strict protocols that most companies put in place, according to a U.S. expert. “Vertical farms are, in fact, generally and significantly safer than conventional agriculture,” says Joel Cuello, Ph.D., Vice Chair, Association for Vertical Farming. Cuello is also a […]
Categories: Food Safety, Food Safety Trends, Sanitation/Hygiene
Tags: Food Safety , vertical farming , vertical farms
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By Annette Sansom Traditional methods of troubleshooting problems caused by microorganisms require the culturing of the microorganism in question. This has limitations linked to the conditions used to grow microbes. Advanced microbial profiling (AMP) is an alternative. It is a powerful DNA technique used to determine the unique mix of the microorganisms (microbiome) in food […]
Categories: Food Safety, Food Science, Science
Tags: advanced microbial profiling , amp
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